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InterWorld’s vision is to commercialize advanced technologies in China, with the focus on those technologies that address important industrial needs, such as energy, environmental protection, nanotechnology, new materials, electronics and life sciences. The technologies that we introduce into Chinese industry have been developed at world renowned institutions in the United States and research laboratories in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

We add value to the technologies by adapting and preparing them for Chinese industry, as well as aligning relationships and resources for commercialization. Our activities include identifying innovative technologies, conducting due diligence, vetting technologies in the U.S. national laboratories, investigating and securing intellectual property, investing in technical development as needed, and commercializing the technologies in China. 

Of particular interest to InterWorld in the near term are coal and power technologies.  InterWorld is currently investigating the establishment of a major program for the Chinese power sector that will involve the creation of a network of distributed power generation units to “patch and extend” China’s electricity grid.

InterWorld cultivates and maintains relationships with government agencies, national laboratories, universities, coal and energy companies, and private research organizations. InterWorld has several sources of technologies, including the United States Industry Coalition and AVentures (see our Alliances page). A dedicated capital fund is being structured to support commercialization efforts in China.

For an executive overview of our organization and vision, please click here.